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Freefly Astro

Powered by Auterion

Watts Innovations

Quantum Systems Vector

(Powered By Auterion)

Vantage Robotics Vesper

(Former Auterion Partner)


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Auterion Live Series

Soundwave Tattoos


Soundwave Tattoos

In early 2017 my brother, Nate Siggard, released a video displaying his new Soundwave Tattoo Technology. The vide ended up going massively viral and a company was formed out of the proof of concept. I created the series Soundwave Stories, and developed a media kit with original video files so websites like The Verge, LADbible, and other national publications. This video footage has been seen over 60,000,000 times on various social media platforms.

Enterprise UAS Public Safety Training


 Cub Crafters

 Flying With Rich

 First Person View Drone Videos